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What can we do to live longer, healthier and happier lives?

Let's take a look at our life from abroad... How are we living now? Cities, air, food, cosmetics - polluted, a lot of stress, a lot of sitting, we eat...

Let's take a look at our life from abroad... How are we living now?

Cities, air, food, cosmetics - polluted, a lot of stress, a lot of sitting, we eat too much "pony" - too many products that acidify the body - sugar and its products, a lot of fried, toasted food.

We eat so much and everything that we often get colds, obesity and related diseases, blood disorders, reflux, mood swings, smoking a lot, drinking a lot of alcohol, coffee, etc.. not so much exercise.

We take drugs that block the receptors, but this does not eliminate the cause. As a result of this lifestyle, we are our own enemies.

The further you go, the more you want to poison yourself. We no longer feel what my body really needs.

We give in to impulses controlled by receptors - we eat not what really nourishes us, what gives us real energy, but what temporarily stimulates the pleasure centers. Yes, they say that sometimes it is possible. Of course.. but where are those limits.. Who will tell you?

What can we do to live longer, healthier and
Today's medicine goes hand in hand with holistic and world-class Detox centers are being created.

Similar complexes are being created in Switzerland and other cleaner areas, to which people flock, realizing that the first step in self-treatment is to properly cleanse the body.

After all, only then do we start to feel again what we really need. What food, products, lifestyle is suitable for us.

That the modern person does not need discharge days (we can call it detox) can only be provided by those who are ignorant or have little interest.

It doesn't matter if you are a specialist or not. The most important thing is the desire to understand and know a person.

What can we do to live longer, healthier and

Without forgetting the most important thing - what age we are now, who surrounds us and where and how we live. Of course, there are many different ways.

I think it's worth trying more than one to feel which one is right for your body.

I am a proponent of alkaline/healing the body nutrition.

Our bodies get sick and sick when they are acidified.

Thanks to alkaline nutrition, PH is restored. You just eat, you don't starve, you feel full and at the same time the body is cleansed without any stress.

You feel just full of energy already on the second day. Of course, there are certain recommendations during the cleansing period.

My books and nutrition programs are written for this purpose and basis. You can try eating like this on the weekend.

If you feel that you are energetic, your thoughts become clearer, your sleep becomes more restful, your skin becomes clearer - continue longer.

But as I mentioned before, try and more. detox methods. For example maybe juice days or half a day with juice will suit you, I have written a book about juice ,

Or maybe you prefer nutritious cocktails ?

They also contain juice and fiber. Which is extremely important for our healthy gut.

What can we do to live longer, healthier and

What are the fundamentals of a healthy, vibrant, youthful lifestyle?

A natural lifestyle is very important.
Being in nature

Physical Movement/exercise/sport - benefits not only for the physical body, but also for the reduction of stress hormones,

for stress relief,

natural diet (as many plant foods as possible)

good and deep sleep

natural food supplements (there are not as many nutrients in the food, because the land is worn out, etc.)

detoxification and healthy intestinal microflora

Drink enough water

Optimism and stress management and a calm approach to situations. after all, everything passes anyway :)))

What can we do to live longer, healthier and

always have goals, dreams and realize them. Feel pleasure during the pursuit process.

Grazina Gum collections/papildai

I recommend the unique alkalizing super program for healthy slimming, beauty, energy;' RESTART BOX" here;

What can we do to live longer, healthier and


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