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Green beans and mushroom ragout

Great synergy, delicious and healthy combination, Green beans - a super valuable vegetable, it has VitK, which is needed now! For better absorption of VitD. And would take it to...

Great synergy, delicious and healthy combination,

Green beans - a super valuable vegetable, it has VitK, which is needed now! For better absorption of VitD. And would take it to the bones. Asparagus has anti-cancer properties.

Green beans and mushroom ragout

They have properties that protect the heart, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Mushrooms ground well and warm.

Brown champignons are aromatic, delicious and nutritious. Contains a source of amino acids, protein, vitc, B12, B1, B2, folic acid, potassium, iron and zinc.

It will take;

green beans, brown mushrooms, tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, red onions, salt, cayenne, garlic, Italian herbs, lemon.

I chopped the asparagus and quartered the champignons.

I quickly lightly sauteed the mushrooms in ghee, then added the green beans.

Separately, I mashed tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, Italian herbs (basil, oregano, marjoram) in a blender. Additionally, you can add salt, cayenne or chili.

I chopped a red onion, sauteed it together with a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon.

I briefly warmed up together. Everything!

You can sprinkle with pine nuts, chopped bertoletti or grated hard cheese.

Can be eaten with sauerkraut.

Green beans and mushroom ragout

Delicious and healthy 😊

What does Doctor A. Unikauskas say about green beans?

Green beans and mushroom ragout

It strengthens bones : “They are very high in vitamin K, which strengthens bones. For older people, green beans are an excellent prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin K helps maintain proper bone density and promotes healing of broken bones."

"Green beans protect the heart , reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, help manage metabolic syndrome, which greatly increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes," says the doctor.

By the way, according to A. Unikauskas, the most studied benefit of green beans is the treatment of certain forms of cancer and stopping the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. "Regular consumption of green beans reduces the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancer. The vitamin K contained in them also reduces the risk of stomach, nose and throat cancer," explains the professor.

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