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NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY

This is how the circumstances came about... and as boring as it may sound, the time has come when the main goal and the most important work is IMMUNITY I'm...

This is how the circumstances came about... and as boring as it may sound, the time has come when the main goal and the most important work is IMMUNITY NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY

I'm not going to spoil it at all... and that's how strange things happen around..

Let's talk about what we can do for the immunity of ourselves, our family and loved ones NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY


Necessary! Approaching nature NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY in all meanings.

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY ♀️ Sports: any intense movement: e.g. Exercising in the morning, jogging in the evening. Or short exercises twice in the morning and in the evening. Movement is essential! Only in this way will we start the body's important vital processes responsible for immunity NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY Next moment: sleep. Sleep at 10-11 p.m. To have a full sleep. The body will not only rest, but all the organs will restore themselves. Meridians turn on at certain times of the night.

🧠 very important! 1-2 hours before going to sleep, do not look at screens: phone, TV, computer. Which extremely powerfully align the brain waves, acting on intense light and radiation.. sleep becomes shallow, the brain does not rest.. in the morning we feel without energy, apathetic..

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY Being in nature. It doesn't matter where, but find nearby trees, a body of water, which cleans, harmonizes and recharges our biofield with their energy. This is a very important Nature therapy NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY As much plant-based, raw food as possible; simpler, more natural food. In this way, we make it easier and help the immune system to strengthen.

No refined sugar! Without fragrances, flavor enhancers. Reduce flour baked goods, dairy products, which create a medium for the formation of mucus and activate inflammatory processes. Reduce animal products.

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY More live plant foods. Green leafy vegetables, fermented root vegetables will help nourish healthy intestinal microflora. After all, 80% of our immunity depends on gut health!

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY Therefore, it is necessary to constantly use antiparasitic, antifungal products:

🪀 Garlic, onions, horseradish, ginger, mustard, cayenne, chili, turmeric, pepper, wild berries: blueberries, cranberries, pickled/fermented vegetables..

🪀 Take: supplements made in capsules, such as: vermin, wormwood, elixir, turmeric, mummy. In this way, you will ensure the nutrition of your intestines, restore healthy microflora, clean unwanted residents, etc. The body will be alkalized and strengthened. In this way, viruses, inflammations, etc. will not be allowed to live.

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY Change the coffee that acidifies the body to Detox Tea or Energy Tea! You will have energy and freshness for the whole day, you will get rid of flatulence, you will get rid of your addiction to sweets, and you will have a more restful sleep NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY you will find NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY www.

NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY Intermittent fasting is abstaining from food while drinking water. Around 4pm would be ideal.

It's easy!

Let's be conscious and healthy NOW the most important job is IMMUNITY


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