GraSole blog news


NIKOLA TESLA. LAST INTERVIEW. With great respect. Genius! Ahead of time! Nikola Tesla gave this interview to Spirit Egg magazine in 1899. Here are his most interesting moments: Tesla :...

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A youthful mind reduces biological age

A youthful mind reduces biological age "People become old when their minds become dull and they cease to be interested in life." A youthful mind is one that is constantly...

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Viktoras Kulvinskas "How to survive in the 21st century"

Viktoras Kulvinskas "How to survive in the 21st century" Many people around the world are grateful to the person who saved and continues to save not only health, but also...

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The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health

The Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Our Health If we understood the influence of emotions on our health, we would be sad, angry and worried much less often. Positive thoughts...

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