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Quince - Vitamin BOMB! but how to properly prepare them?

blockquote type="cite"> Quince - Vitamin BOMB! Extremely useful. Fresh fruits contain a lot of nutrients, so they are suitable for strengthening immunity, in case of anemia, colds, general weakness, in...

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Quince - Vitamin BOMB!

Extremely useful.

Quince - Vitamin BOMB! but how to do them properly

Fresh fruits contain a lot of nutrients, so they are suitable for strengthening immunity, in case of anemia, colds, general weakness, in case of
for high temperature.

Quince seeds are used quite widely in folk medicine. In case of gastroenteritis, spastic colitis, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchitis or laryngitis), sore throat, fever, increased gas production in the intestines. Broom of toxins, in the case of respiratory ailments, lowers the temperature, in the case of stomach, liver ailments.

You can use this jam to drink with water as a drink, add it to shake cocktails with fruit, use it for desserts, mix it with other berries. If you are going to make tea, just don't boil the water to avoid losing the vitamins!


2 cups pitted and cut quince halves with seeds

Quince - Vitamin BOMB! but how to do them properly


First, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to the bottom of the blender, if you are not going to refrigerate it. If you are going to freeze it, it is better to add the honey after it has been thawed. Then 0.5 cups of chopped quince. Grind.
Then again in 0.5 cups until you grind all the quinces. We put it in deposits and in the freezer.

When using jam, you thaw it and you can mix it with honey, mashed dates. Strengthen the body and immunity with the alkalizing "Elixir", cleanse with the antiparasitic "Verminus" and healthy, spiced and nutritious teas of plants, fruits and berries here..

Quince - Vitamin BOMB! but how to do them properly

delicious and healthy :)


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