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how. what are the ways to get solar energy when it is not available?

The heat of the sun not only warms us, but also gives us vital energy and lifts our mood. It is the basic energy of all life. But what to...

The heat of the sun not only warms us, but also gives us vital energy and lifts our mood.

It is the basic energy of all life.

But what to do when there is very little Sun now?

First of all, create a sunny emotion in yourself and consciously fuel it with happy emotions, noticing good things, in this way, you will be able to maintain energy during the day.

The biggest challenge is not to be distracted by negative emotions and situations. Of course, it happens anyway.. we are alive People with emotions and our whole universe—LIFE.

A sunny mood is a holiday. First we create good energy-sunny within ourselves, only then we have something to share. We create festive rituals for our family and relatives in a simple way, even while drinking tea; a candle, a cup, music and it's already a celebration.

We eat products that store real energy from the Sun. For example Pollen, honey, bee bread, apples, various berries that ripened in the real sun. Food is colorful. Yellow, orange are very suitable. e.g. pumpkins and tangerines. Orange essential oils are suitable.

Season food with warming spices; mustard, black pepper - these are pure spices of the Sun, ginger, cayenne - hot pepper, garlic, oregano, basil, onion, horseradish. The listed products not only help to warm the body from the inside, but also prevent the accumulation of toxins and mucus. In this way, we can prevent colds and strengthen and maintain immunity.

Warming, fragrant spices are very suitable for preparing teas, which also warm and detoxify the body. It would be; cinnamon, cloves, anise, cardamom, fennel, turmeric, ginger, black pepper. The listed spices are in the composition; in "CHAI golden spicy" tea that warms the body and soul.

This tea tastes and smells like yoga tea, only more fragrant. Because it also contains wild basil, it is called holy basil - TULSI. It is suitable to drink throughout the day, when you have a cold, when you are cold, when you are sick. By drinking this tea regularly, gas and mucus do not accumulate, the body is gently detoxified.

You can prepare this mixture as a tea and flavor baked goods. You can flavor the tea with honey, lemon or vegetable milk. Also pour into other teas; detox tea, energy tea or black tea.

tasty and healthy!


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